Women’s Entrepreneurship Day® ("WED") is a global initiative with the mission to celebrate, support and empower women in business worldwide. Initiated in 2014 by the WED-Organization, headquartered in the U.S. in New York City, Women's Entrepreneurship Day® is celebrated internationally in 144 countries, 110 universities and colleges, reaching 1.4 million people


Great Panelists

Learn from local Colorado Women entrepreneurs with $1 million in revenue. They will share their adversity & the lessons they learned on their journey to
financial success.


Meet and mingle with other women entrepreneurs and mentors – Get advice and support, build confidence and gain a new perspective

Breakout Session

Breakout into groups of ten and mentors will answer your questions, provide advice and offer insights in a small group format for a more personalized experience


Enroll as a Mentee and work one to one in a free one-hour session with a local Mentor that has $1 million in revenue


Alicia Chong

WED Ambassador Founder: Blu Monaco

Mary Uremovich Stein

Founder: Dream Big Day Camp

Kristina Scala

Founder : Aspen Academy

Jordan Blakesley


Liora Dudar

Co-Founder: Overtone

Kayla Faires

Founder: Revel Interactive

Rikki Epstein Mor

Founder : Knot Genie

Barb Tindvall

Co-Owner CEO : Harmonic Media

Shana Colbin Dunn

Founder: True Holistic Boutique

Inspired 250 Million Girls living in poverty
Inspiring +
Countries Involved
Empowering 4 Billion Unique Women on the Planet

WHO HELPS US Our Sponsors

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